PCB Inspection System
last update: April 15, 2019
Materializing quantitative solder joint inspection, whilst minimizing the risks of overlooked defects defined by the quality criteria, and contributing to a vertical startup.
Support to quantitatively evaluate measurement for MSA (Measurement System Analysis).
Maintain inspection accuracy by continuously measuring and evaluating accuracy automatically while recording history.
Detecting foreign objects accurately is achieved through combining 3D (height) and 2D (area) measurements on the entire PCB surface. (Lands without solder can be excluded from the inspection)
Oblique view inspections can be performed on solder joints that are hidden from the direct view camera.
The VT-S730-H incorporates a high-speed image capturing module to substantially reduce the inspection time compared to standard models of the same series.
Comparison of inspection time of Omron's PCB (example)
last update: April 15, 2019